We introduceren de nieuwe 5.150 softwareversie voor de Home Center 3 en Home Center 3 Lite.
Belangrijke mededeling:
Bij het upgraden van het systeem vanaf versie 5.141 Beta kan er een fout optreden tijdens de
back-up procedure. Het systeem wordt opnieuw opgestart, maar blijft op de oude versie staan.
De oplossing vindt je hier:
Belangrijkste kenmerken van de nieuwe update:
1. Ondersteuning voor automatische en handmatige modus toegevoegd voor Elero-apparaten.
Voor apparaten die modus wisseling ondersteunen, kan je vanaf nu specifieke apparaten uitsluiten van automatisering (zoals scènes of profielen) door één optie in de zijbalk te wijzigen.
2. Tabblad Z-Wave Netwerkdiagnostiek toegevoegd.
Voor beide versies van de Z-Wave engine maakt het systeem nu de analyse van verkeers- en netwerkproblemen mogelijk voor diagnostische doeleinden.
3. Ondersteuning toegevoegd voor Nice- en Elero apparaten in Gateway-verbinding.
Als onderdeel van het uitbreiden van de mogelijkheden van het systeem is ondersteuning voor de Nice- en Elero protocollen toegevoegd aan de Gateway Connection functie, waardoor de connectiviteit tussen hubs wordt verbeterd.
4. Verbeteringen in de configuratie van toegangsbeheer.
De lijst met mobiele apparaten is opnieuw ontworpen in de toegangsinstellingen. Toegang tot nieuw toegevoegde alarmzones, klimaatzones en profielen wordt nu automatisch verleend aan een nieuwe gebruiker als de optie ‘all’ is geselecteerd.
Informatie over de laatste synchronisatie met de Cloud dienst is nu zichtbaar op de gebruikerslijst. Er zijn nieuwe selectieknoppen toegevoegd om het verlenen van toegang tot specifieke apparaten, scènes, zones en profielen te vergemakkelijken.
Bovendien is er een snelle en gemakkelijke methode geïntroduceerd om gebruikers uit te nodigen voor het systeem.
What's new
Performance improvements for backup list and status requests.
Added the ability for the administrator account to hide “Add Device” and “Add Scene” tiles on the dashboard in general hub settings.
Binary rain sensor is now available as an optional device for the sprinkler to prevent from watering.
Improvements to device adding visuals.
Added the ability to filter system notifications by supported notification channels.
Improved support for the Aeotec Multi-Sensor 6 (soft-reconfiguration required).
The camera preview tab is available only if a camera device has been configured.
Improvements to Roller Shutter linked devices.
Improved navigation for scene creation from device advanced settings.
Organized roles for blinds in Linked Devices.
Organized the list of roles and categories for devices.
Added hysteresis settings for humidity controller and thermostats in Linked Devices.
The integration of the Qubino 1Phase and 3Phase meters has been simplified to improve handling in the system.
Improvements for waking up Elero devices.
Improved selection menu for energy meter configuration under energy panel settings.
Improved tooltip readability for tariffs in the Energy Panel.
Power measurements for hidden devices are now excluded by default.
Added information during FTI if user is not able to change Z-Wave engine version when some devices are already added to the system.
Added the ability to restore user backups saved in the Cloud during the FTI process.
Improved Z-Wave engine selection during FTI for hubs no longer connected to the Master gateway.
Added the ability to perform a sequence test and manually start irrigation from the Garden Panel.
Improvements in handling dead devices.
Added support for partial opening state for gates.
Added support for battery-operated devices synchronization.
New tooltips visuals.
Added a notification for automatic system restore in case of instability.
Limited recovery loop in case of both systems failure.
Hidden sensors can now be selected as primary sensors in rooms.
Reboot is no longer needed after the first system configuration.
Minor UX and UI improvements.
Improvements in user password validation.
Refreshed modal appearance in the interface.
Increased character limit for variables in the hub.
Database optimizations.
Removed redundant actions for Elero venetian blinds.
Quick Apps
Improved auto-naming of QuickApp elements and labels.
Added switch support.
Added dropdown list support.
Changes for control identifiers.
A RefreshStateSubscriber class has been added to handle system events with methods for subscribing, unsubscribing, and starting/stopping event listening, providing better control over event-based actions.
Added support for custom thermostat modes to the block scene editor.
Improved the “True for specified” time option setting for conditions in the block scene editor.
Added the ability to manually start watering sequences from a scene.
In block scenes, added new blocks related to the energy panel: Current Production, Current Consumption, and Current Balance.
Added automatic authorization for API of system elements in Lua.
Added sorting the list of available updates for devices.**
Hub update section moved to Settings → General.
Device update section moved to Settings → Devices.
Minor translations fixes.
Added default naming of newly paired devices.
Updated general compatibility with devices on the market.
Added possibility to force removing of not working Zigbee devices.
Added support for smoke, pressure, gas, volatile organic compounds, vibration, and presence sensors.
Added support for device role settings.
Added support for device’s temperature sensors.
Stability improvements.**
Improvements in “marking as dead” function.**
Added support for Qubino Flush Shutter DC devices.
Changed the default wake-up interval value for known old-generation devices.
Updated support for Aeon Multisensor 6.
Added pin support for Danalock V3 lock.
Introduced fixes for removing damaged Z-Wave nodes.**
Added support for old-generation FGFS-101 and FGK-101.
Bug fixes
Fixed behavior for local backup limit.
Fixed occasional backup execution issues.
Unable to edit climate schedules if a thermostat in that zone is hidden.
Resolved an issue with thermostat handling from the climate panel for Fahrenheit units.
Removed redundant buttons for multilevel switches from the sidebar.
Permanent “Transfer Ok” caption on device tile for Elero devices in rare cases.
Incorrect presentation of color temperature control for Zigbee devices.
Fixed Z-Wave devices parameters values scaling after the “Reset all” action.
Hidden tiles for the Smart Implant device no longer stay hidden in certain situations.**
Qubino 3-phase meter has redundant tiles presenting voltage per phase (soft-reconfiguration required).
FGT-001 setpoint graph not always correctly drawn.
Downloading the device template loops in some cases.
Fixed color controller handling in Linked Devices.
Fixes for Linked Device support for blinds.
Fixed linked devices entities list after opening the “General” tab in devices settings.
Inversion settings for awning and pergolas does not work correctly.
Fixed issues with generating a weekly savings graph incorrectly.
Gateway Connection
Walli Controller configuration from slave gateway issue.
Changing the description of the device added to the slave does not work.
Setting favorite position for devices from slave gateway does not work.
Fixed the inability to configure Lifeline association for devices from Slave hub in some cases.
After restart of the gateway system overwrites parameters for BiDi-Multi Sensor to default.
Fixes for handling parameters for BiDi-Multisensor.
Resolved issues with Nice ON4E remotes.
Partial opening button missing for Nice gates.
Missing waiting icon for pending actions when changing parameters for sleeping devices.
Improved handling of low battery notifications for BiDi-Multisensor.
Fixed Nice device handling after backup restoration.
Fixes for device parameter configuration mechanism.
Issues with securely added devices before the migration to HC3.
Addressed database overgrowth issues.
Corrected language version for status messages in Recovery mode for selected scenarios.
Fixed password character count validation to 10 characters.
Remote access granted to support extended to 14 days.
Minor UX and UI fixes.
Occasional issue with web interface content not loading.
Overwriting room categories to “Other” during editing in the modal.
Added RTSP stream support in web UI for Dahua plugin.
Incorrect reporting of Tedee lock status during temporary loss of cloud services.
Fixed handling of latch retraction for Tedee lock.
Fixed generating a new authorization code for Tedee lock.
Minor fixes in Dahua camera plugin configuration.
Fixes for CoolAutomation plugin.
Quick Apps
Fixed assigning QuickApps to rooms when adding a new integration from the Dashboard.
Fixed Fahrenheit handling for thermostat-type QuickApps.
Fixed handling of special characters for secret-type variables.
Addressed issues with lua scenes on autostart that didn’t work in selected scenarios.
Fixed control for Fan Modes in thermostats when triggered from block scenes.
Filled out missing translations for thermostat actions in block scenes.
Fixed renaming scenes from the editor.
Fixed action handling for thermostats (temporary schedule override).
Next device target can now be updated from a file without reconfiguration.**
Fixed a bug producing incorrect status of the first target file during an update for a sleeping device.**
Fixed granting permissions for empty rooms.
Stylistic fixes for dark theme in access management.
The Philips Hue color setting when device is turned off does not work.
Fixes for forcing device removal.
Improved ZigBee device counter in the configuration tab.
Fixed temperature conversion for the first Fahrenheit reading.
Fixed estimated next device wakeup time display.
Improved communication performance.
Added support for new versions of MCO devices – MH-S412, MH-DT411.
Eliminated issues with zeroing wakeup time for FGD-002.
Known issues
Z-Wave Engine 3.0
Some Z-Wave devices are not fully compatible with the new version of Z-Wave engine.
Gateway connection is not available in the new Z-Wave engine version.
Simplified integration of the Qubino 1Phase and 3Phase meters will be available in next hub version.
* – does not apply to HC3L (Home Center 3 Lite)
** – applies only to Z-Wave Engine 3.0
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