In dit artikel vind je de belangrijkste toevoegingen, wijzigingen en bug fixes van de nieuwe FIBARO firmware versie voor de Home Center 3, Home Center 3 Lite gateways en de mobiele applicatie.
De fabrikant geeft met de ZigBee BETA toegang tot nieuwe functies en ondersteuning voor nieuwe apparaten. Het doel hiervan is om feedback te verzamelen over de kwaliteit en bruikbaarheid. Tevens helpt dit om problemen op te sporen, deze op te lossen en de software nog beter maken.
Omdat met BETA functies onbekende problemen kunnen ontstaan is ons advies om dit niet te gebruiken in actieve installaties. Houd rekening dat het terugzetten van een backup alleen lokaal uitgevoerd kan worden.
- Ondersteuning voor ZigBee protocol toegevoegd.*
*Allereerste publieke bèta versie van het ZigBee protocol. Ondersteuning voor bepaald type apparaten, met nadruk op de categorie verlichting.
- Nieuwe manier geïntroduceerd om favoriete apparaten te bedienen door middel van dialoogvensters in de mobiele app.
- Nieuwe categorie “Scenario’s” voor eenvoudige bediening van rolluiken en jaloezieën. op basis van de triggers voor zonsondergang en zonsopgang. Tevens kunnen de scenario’s via de mobiele app geconfigureerd worden.
Ondersteuning voor het toevoegen van Z-Wave, Elero en Nice apparaten via de mobiele applicatie. Tevens nieuwe procedure voor het toevoegen van Z-Wave apparaten in de Browser interface.
- Belangrijk: Philips TV en Samsung Smart Appliance plugins worden niet langer ondersteund en zijn verwijderd.
What's new
Added checking sensors status before arming the alarm.
Added translations for thermostat modes on dashboard tiles and sidebar.
Added possibility to open device settings directly from device tile.
Improved styling of units for sensors on dashboard and sidebar.
Changed icon for opening sidebar from device tile.
Added logs on device tiles related to transmitting commands for Nice and Elero devices.
Updated parameters template for Nice BiDi-Shutter and Nice BiDi-Awning.
Added support for Eurotronic Air Quality Sensor.
Improved handling of long operations for Color Controllers and Multilevel Switches.**
Added support for new revisions of Fibaro devices.
Default configuration for RGBW441 set as RGBW after adding device to the system.
Added rounding for virtual power consumption values.
Added support for Donexon thermostatic valve.**
Custom parameters for Z-Wave devices sorted by ID.
Support for MCO ZW700 series devices.
Improved handling of hold actions on sidebar buttons for shutters and venetian blinds.
Improvements for pairing process.
Improved polling mechanism for Elero devices.
Improvements for pairing process.
Improved support for Elero Dimmer.
Modified descriptions for pairing process.
Added possibility to pair unknown device type to the system.
Warning about unsaved changes in Panel Settings.
Added support for declaring fixed cost for a period.
Optimized calculation of sunrise/sunset time.
Improved changing network settings between DHCP and Static.
Added possibility to Read, Set default and Reset all parameters in devices settings.
Changed default role for mono-directional devices from remotes to Blinds/Gates.
Added requesting current parameters values during pairing process.
Added possibility to configure and use favourite position for mono-directional devices.
New styling for Nice devices pairing process.
Improvements in protocol auto-detection function.
Improved support of BiDi-Shutter and BiDi-Awning devices.
Added possibility to calibrate BiDi-Shutter and BiDi-Awning devices from settings.
Added notification about issues during device configuration after paring.
Added displaying favorite positions states on BiDi devices.
Improved auto-logging feature.
Thermostat & Heating Zone plugin optimization.
Added possibility to set the URL manually for Dahua plugin.
Reorganisation of plugins categories.
Support for new “Scenarios” in profiles.
Quick Apps
Changed function calling format (backwards compatible).
Changed auto-complete function for new function format in Lua.
Added possibility to edit “secret” variable in QuickApps.
Changed functions calling format (backwards compatible).
Changed auto-complete function for new functions format in Lua.
Added icons for group actions.
Changed font color in dark-mode of Lua editor.
Added possibility to enable or disable the scene from edit window.
Added reconfiguration button for device after successful update.**
Z-Wave devices update process improvements.
Improved handing of communication errors.
Optimized service start-up.
Updated certified Z-Wave manufacturers list in Z-Wave engines.
Improvements for Z-Wave database size management.**
Bug fixes
Unnecessary notification about wrong pin when trying to disarm the system.
Inactive camera preview tab after saving device settings.
No automatic refresh of color components on device sidebar.**
Missing polish translations for states of simple shutter.
No automatic refresh of power consumption on devices sidebar.
Fixed issue with displaying states for shutters on devices sidebar.
Missing barrier role for simple shutter device type.
Issue with adding Fibaro devices (Wall Plug UK, Smart Module, BiDi-ZWave) in Security Mode.
Rejected association settings visible on the list until page refresh.**
Power graphs in advanced tab do not scale when zooming.
Uploading custom icon for Fibaro CO Sensor not possible.
Cannot change parameters in Z-Wave devices if “use template for parameters” is disabled.
Issue with opening 1P Smart Meter Qubino configuration.**
Incorrect devices grouping on settings page for QuickApps and Linked Devices.
Additional not applicable icons for devices.
Redundant device roles for Walli Roller Shutter and Roller Shutter 3.
Inputs state for Smart Implant not reported correctly.**
Devices added via Smart Start are not visible in the system until reboot.**
Protection settings for Z-Wave devices fixed.
Issues with thermostats support when using climate panel.**
Issue with starting reconfiguration from Z-Wave tab.**
CPU graphs issues.
Wrong device configuration if timeout occurred during binding procedure.
Issues with controlling devices after update from 5.072.25 beta.
Wrong rounding of percentage consumption on Savings tab.
Production devices listed on Top consuming devices and on devices list on Savings tab.
Excluding production devices from the Energy Panel does not work.
Gateway Connection
Changing Fan Mode for thermostats from slave gateway is not possible.
Home location settings change does not alter sunrise/sunset calculation.
Location map does not show if longitude/latitude is out of range.
Device icon does not correspond with the state from history.
No information about possible connection loss after changing network settings.
Internet connection status is not stable.
Not migrated device roles for Nice Mono devices added in the system on 5.080.
Nice Mono devices added on 5.080 lost the icons after updating to 5.100.
Issue with pairing some Nice Mono devices.
Not migrated device roles for Nice Mono devices added in the system on 5.080.
Devices icons in wrong states on notifications list.
Non-admin user cannot remove notifications.
Additional credentials popup during log-in in some cases.
Text in reboot modal not centered on Safari browser.
Rejecting custom icons upload if file extension is in uppercase.
Issue with booting up the hub after update to 5.101 Beta.
Nice and Elero devices not counted in number of devices in backup.
Removed additional button on sidebar for Fibaro Intercom.
Impossible to configure EnvisaLink plugin.
Using Walli devices ring actions causes system crash.
Quick Apps
Partially white background in mobile view in dark style.
Fixed visibility for functions declarations.
Scene does not start in specific configuration when trigger is used in few scenes.
Differences between calls in Scenes and QuickApps.
Fixed visibility for functions declarations in Lua code.
No translations of errors for devices update service.**
* – does not apply to HC3L (Home Center 3 Lite)
** – applies only to Z-Wave Engine 3.0
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