Nieuwe manier voor het bedienen van Color Controllers via het dashboard.
Tevens is ondersteuning toegevoegd voor de kleurtemperatuur bij Zigbee apparaten.
*Zigbee verlichting moeten opnieuw toegevoegd worden aan het systeem.
Nieuwe vooraf gedefinieerde scenario’s ontworpen om verlichting te regelen op basis van tijdsomstandigheden en geofencing.
Hieronder een paar voorbeelden van de nieuwe update:

What's new
Added possibility to assign temperature sensors for climate zones.
Possibility to add devices from the dashboard.
Added battery level indicators on devices tiles.
Optimised procedure for adding devices for all protocols.
Improved UI/UX and performance for device page filters.
Added filters clearing mechanism when leaving the page.
Added the description field for every device type.
Redesigned family of devices view.
Modified page layout for energy meters configuration in panel settings.
Gateway connection
Added an option to define Slave IP address manually.
Added additional redundancies for unexpected changes in network configuration.
Improved support for OXIBD status updates.
Added generic support for legacy Bidirectional shutters.
Improved support for device specific notifications.
Improved algorithm for gateway overheating notifications.
Minor UI/UX improvements.
Added support for pulling the latch for the Tedee door lock.
Improvements for Heat Activator plugin.
Quick Apps
Added support for the Base Shutter device type.
Added the filters for Scenes page.
Added “tolerance” option for Energy Panel block scenes.
Improved blocks content loading performance for large systems.
Added the description field for every scene type.
Changed the order of steps for Scenarios.
Added possibility to update all devices.
Added additional warning before upgrading to the beta version of the hub.
Improved generic support for lights and color controllers.
Added handling of suspended device interview during the adding procedure for battery-powered devices.**
Support for different revisions of the Aeotec Multisensor 6.
Support for the ZW800 series MCO IR2900 thermostat.
Support for the Everspring SP103.**
Bug fixes
The zone control freezes if the last setpoint is set at 5:00am.
Redundant page refresh in some cases (introduced in 5.131 beta).
Issues with the display of some configuration parameters values.
The RolSolar device is incorrectly marked as disconnected.
Using favorite positions in group actions does not work.
Excessive battery drain for the RolSolar shutter.
Energy charts are malformed occasionally.
Negative energy consumption data in the panel after clearing the energy data in some cases.
Negative power consumption values for “Grid consumption” setting in some cases.
No masking of Wi-Fi password during the first configuration on Firefox.
Gateway Connection
Connection issues in specific network configurations.
In some cases the system does not boot correctly when the master gateway update fails.
Losing possibility to control devices in some cases.
Fixed issue with binding some mono-directional devices.
Custom icons for mono-directional devices not visible.
Issues when pairing new models of roller shutter with BiDi protocol.
Added possibility to enable remote access for support from recovery system.
Standard user cannot remove interactive push.
Issues with controlling the linked-device thermostat in some configurations.
System crash while deleting a non-existing notification.
Wrong time in history after the change from winter time to summer time.
Adding more than one Other device by clicking the add button excessively.
The state of devices is not refreshed when pressed run scene button without refreshing the page.
Other UI/UX fixes.
System stability fixes (introduced in 5.131 beta).
Incorrect radius instead of diameter in the Location tab.
Lack of live preview for Helios 2N plugin.
Tedee lock plugin loses connection to services (introduced in 5.131 beta).
Incorrect display of climate panel settings.
Incorrect display of sliders in profiles settings.
Quick Apps
Secret variable value visible in the webUI after saving.
Elero RolMotion blind is controlled even if excluded from a simple scenario.
Incorrect display of sliders in block scenes.
Cannot edit Scenarios via mobile app in remote connection.
No possibility to enter exact minutes in no later/earlier fields in scenarios (introduced in 5.131 beta).
The filter in the room drop-down menu does not work properly (introduced in 5.131 beta).
Wrong time unit during the adding process.
No possibility to update Z-Wave devices added in Security mode.
Lack of handling unsolicited reports from devices using CC Basic.**
Issues with updating devices from file in some cases.**
Incorrect default role for the Zooz ZAC36 valve.
Improved adding procedure when using S2U security level.**
The exclusion process cannot be closed after an error has occurred.
Known issues
Z-Wave Engine 3.0
Some Z-Wave devices are not fully compatible with the new version of the Z-Wave engine.
Gateway connection is not available in the new Z-Wave engine version.
* – does not apply to HC3L (Home Center 3 Lite)
** – applies only to Z-Wave Engine 3.0
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